Historic Nutbourne Houses: Atmyres FarmWe are very short of information about this house, with no photographs at all. Please let us know if you can shed some light!
No 1439 on Tithe Map and included in census. Occupied by Willian & Anne Barnard (farmers) and their children
Charles, Ann, Mary & Allen.
Known as Atmyers Farmhouse. Occupied by Edward & Ellen Johnson (farmers) and their son David.
Known as Atmyers Farm and occupied by Victor Allen and his wife (farmers) and their son Clive.
Shortcut links to the web pages for other historic houses in the Nutbourne area
Atmyres Farm Bramfold The Camber Darkdean Drovers Ebbsworth Hobbs Holly Tree Cottage Lyons Cottage Farm
The Manor Mill Farm Mill House Nutbourne Place The Old Manor The Old School The Old Store The Rising Sun
The original cottage by the Mill Pond Shepherd's Thatch Shorts Farm Stream Farm Timber Cottage Wheel House