Welcome to Nutbourne.Org, a community website for the Sussex hamlet overlooking England's South Downs. The site was created by local people predominantly for local people, but everyone's welcome!
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Please click a menu option Welcome, news and events in and around Nutbourne Please click a menu option Nutbourne Residents' Association, Neighbourhood Watch and Local Affairs Please click a menu option A thousand years of Nutbourne and Pulborough history Please click a menu option Visiting, shopping or just enjoying Nutbourne in picturesque West Sussex Please click a menu option Join in, contribute pictures and stories, get in touch or search the site Please click a menu option Contributor credits, information about the Nutbourne Residents Association, the Website and its publisher Please click a menu option

Street-wise members can sign up to receive the Agenda automatically by emailNutbourne Residents' Association: Agendas for Meetings

In the future we aim to publish the Agenda ahead of each meeting of the Residents' Association. For now this page has copies of our 'back numbers' for information. Simply click the link for the meeting of your choice to open the document in a new web browser window, or, if you prefer, right click the link and choose 'Save target as...' to download a copy to your PC.

If you would like to receive the Agenda by email as a timely reminder about upcoming meetings of the Association, click Join Us! Register as a Friend in the Interactive Menu and tick the Agenda box as part of your registration.





18 July 2008

27 October 2014

13 October 2015

20 January 2016

26 April 2016

26 July 2016

1 November 2016

24 January 2017 (AGM)

24 April 2018

2019 AGM - January 22

July 2019

2020 AGM - January 21

October 2021

April 2022 AGM

Jul/Aug 2022

October 2022

A G M Agenda - 29 Jan 2023

Agenda for 30 April 2023

A G M Agenda for 28 Jan 2024

Agenda for Sunday 20 July 2024






© Copyright Nutbourne Residents' Association and friends, 2010-2024.